About Guitars Best Review

Hi! I’m Victor Loore – A medical student who is passionate about music. I am a good vocalist, plus a guitarist. I enjoy doing music so much. This is also one of the reasons I have decided to write about guitars

I started learning to play guitar a few years ago – around 2017. That was the start for me. I had seen people play the guitar before then, but I had no opportunity of learning until 2017.

It has been a rough musical journey since 2017, but it is one that I am a little okay with—just walking at my own pace. And yes, just saying, I am still in the process of learning.

So, I am not a guitar professional, but I am a guitar enthusiast who plays and keeps trying to get better.

This guitar blog is basically for guitar lovers and enthusiasts. I hope you find great guides in the content on this blog, catering to your needs.

The information that you will find in our content here is researched from people with personal experiences,  or fact-checked research done by AI.

So, here is a disclaimer, we try to put out content with accurate information worthy of helping guitarists find solutions to their needs. But who knows, there might be some mistakes, we are not all perfect and without errors.

You understand? Oh, I am glad you understand. I love you.

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